
2023年11月13日—從Slack移轉到MicrosoftTeams的完全指引。,Inthiswebinar,we'lltakeacloserlookatalternativestoSkypeandshowyouhowtoimprovecollaborationwithSlackinahybridworkplace.,SlackforTeamsisasingleworkspaceforsmall-tomedium-sizedcompanieslookingtocentralisecommunication.Ifyou'reinchargeofrollingoutor ...,InstalltheMicrosoftTeamsCallsapptoSlacktostartandjoinMicrosoftTeamscallsrightfromyourworksp...

從Slack 移轉到Microsoft Teams

2023年11月13日 — 從Slack 移轉到Microsoft Teams 的完全指引。

Why choose Slack over Skype and Microsoft Teams?

In this webinar, we'll take a closer look at alternatives to Skype and show you how to improve collaboration with Slack in a hybrid workplace.

Slack for Teams guide to success

Slack for Teams is a single workspace for small- to medium-sized companies looking to centralise communication. If you're in charge of rolling out or ...

Microsoft Teams Calls for Slack

Install the Microsoft Teams Calls app to Slack to start and join Microsoft Teams calls right from your workspace. What to expect.

Microsoft Teams Calls

Bring video conferencing where your team is already working in Slack, from launching a call to joining meetings directly from event reminders. Add to Slack ...

Microsoft Teams Calls

Slack brings teams together to speed up collaboration, but some conversations are simply more efficient face-to-face. With the Microsoft Teams Calls app, ...

Slack vs. Teams

With Slack, your best bets for the most functionalities are via integrations with Zoom, Webex, Google Hangouts, or others. With Teams, videoconferencing is ...

Slack 執行長嗆:Microsoft Teams 不是Slack 的競爭對手!

2020年5月3日 — Slack 的執行長說Microsoft Teams 不是競爭對手,但提交給SEC 的文件所說的卻恰好相反。在最近的10-Q報告中上面指稱自家主要競爭對手是微軟。

Microsoft Teams、Slack

2020年2月1日 — Microsoft Teams 是目前筆者多方比較下來最為經濟又可靠的企業通訊解決方案。且Office 365 訂閱更是相當普及的文書工具,只要公司內部電腦裝有Office 365 ...

Slack vs. Teams

2023年7月27日 — Slack vs. Teams: Microsoft Teams is a better value for larger teams. Technically, Slack can accommodate more users per organization than Teams ( ...